Email Protection

Email Protection

Email remains the most common method of sharing information between individuals and smaller groups of people within businesses today. Users are often sending sensitive data and sharing files using email and cyber criminals continue to use email as a primary means of getting through the organisation perimeter. At Blue Simplific we work with our customers to deploy both inbound and outbound email protection, ensuring the security and integrity of the organisations emails.

  • Through targeted email protection, Blue Simplific can stop in excess of 99% of all know malicious email traffic coming into the organisation and with integration into sandboxing solutions 0-day threats can be executed and tested outside the perimeter of our customers ensuring that no new threats enter the organisation.

Using email encryption Blue Simplific can work with customers to ensure that all, or specific sensitive content sent is encrypted, avoiding malicious interception of the email content.

Ensuring that emails with a sensitive nature does not exfiltrate the organisation, Blue Simplific can help you with Email Data Loss Prevention, which through automated outbound email analysis enables you to stop sensitive emails and content to leaving the organisation.

Our solutions can be deployed for on premise email installations as well as cloud services.

We generally use common components in our solutions, whereby we can standby the designs and offer a service offering which suits our customers.

If you are interested in our Email Security Solutions, please contact us.